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Local Media    SME Cloudfunding
  Photographers now have the platform to upload and earn income streams thru the back-end e2eCommerce ecosystem that is linked to each image when it's downloaded for free by users around the world  -  each image being freely available to insert into websites can exponentially earn photographers, both professional and amateur, great new streams of income.

Each QwickPics image instigates a code linking a website visitor to a process releasing free Cloud Capital / Cloudfunds for as long as visitors are on websites  -  websites display a QwickPic Ready logo that automatically identifies visitors from their mobile or PC browser, or invites visitors to register  -  it triggers Subliminal Organically Decentralized Advertising to immediately start distributing Cloudfunds.

Collecting Cloudfunds subliminally to use as free working capital is part of the benefits and incentive for visitors, the other is the link formed between websites and the visitors and future product and service purchases linked back to the QwickPics image.

QwickPics images downloaded to websites can help highlight content so visitors stay longer  -  a picture is worth a thousand words  -  so having free access to great images to enhance content helps keep visitors around to collect the Cloudfunds, as well as increasing the number of potential purchases linked back to websites  -  all tracked via deep reaching distribution RingLink technology.

Publishers of News sites looking for relevant images to add to stories being written can gain great exposure faster when there's free access to images especially around breaking news events  -  being free to download from the QwickPics platform provides a different approach to the one-off payments that have been the norm across the likes of the news and entertainment industries.

QwickPics taps a much larger market resource that exponentially increases the value for breaking news images  -  this unlimited resource allows photographers and website owners to both earn 2.5% of each sale of anything from tooth brushes to concert tickets to cars or even houses linked cross multiple global users and economies  -  with the ease of downloading free images immediately news happens will challenge how current breaking news images are valued.

    QwickPic Ready    

Local Media    Global Market    Global Productivity Market
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Local Media    QwickP2P          QwickP2P

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Local Media    New Economy

Local Media    SME Cloudfunding

Local Media    ComTechX

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